Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31st

Today was very sad! We went to the Concintration Camp in the mountains. They were beautiful and we saw some snow.. but the museum was very sad. Today I learned about when the people got whipped for doing things wrong.. they usually got around 50 lashes and most died before the 50 were over. I also learned that the people commited suicide alot and hung themselves so they didn`t have to live the terriable life. I saw where they were isolated as a punishment and cramed in a small room for a long time until they died without being able to lie down, sit, or stand. It was very sad.. but I noticed that the place where we were was a very important place to be quiet and respect that many people died there and should be respectful about that.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a humbling experience! Thanks for filling us in!
